The Pint-Sized Problem Solver - America's Abortion Future

Abby Johnson's (true) Experience With the Abortion Pill

In June 2022, Roe v. Wade was finally overturned after allowing nearly fifty years of legalized genocide in America. We are about to celebrate the one-year anniversary of this momentous occasion and, from a Pro-Life point of view, things are looking up. Many states have outlawed abortion or have reverted to their Pro-Life constitutions, pregnancy resource centers are helping more women than ever despite harassment, and it is estimated that abortions dropped by 6% just two months after Roe was overturned. The tide is beginning to turn in their country and, while we still have a long way to go, babies and their mothers are being saved. Life is winning. We could be tempted to sit back and leave the tide were it is, saving the remaining work for another day, but the unfortunate reality is that every moment we are not fighting for life the other side is working to regain its footing in this country. 
    Perhaps the biggest "advancement" on which the abortion industry is rebuilding its footing is a mass distribution plan for the abortion pill regimen that, although recognized by the FDA since 2000, has not been a priority until now. But, with the closing of so many abortion mills across the country, the "easy" and "discreet" pills are now being marketed as pint-sized problem solvers that can magically make a pregnancy disappear, subverts the hassle of traveling over state lines or explaining one's decision to a judgmental family, and can even be shipped through the mail. This ease of access has gotten the Abortion Cabal the closest it has ever been to living out its mantra of "abortion as a woman's personal choice." And yet, despite every talking point that claims this is a new and improved means of abortion, everyone is ignoring the fact that all of this sets a very dangerous precedent. 
    Created in the 1980s, the abortion pill regimen of Mifeprex and Misoprostol was first produced in France by the drug company I.G. Farben that, among other "achievements," developed the deadly gas that the Nazis used to kill millions of Jews during World War II. Hampered by Pro-Life activists but eventually approved in Europe, the abortion pill was covertly transported to the US in 1993, where it was sold to a company, Population Counsel, that boasts and long history of eugenics support and has ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Several prominent eugenicists of the 1990s lauded the pill as a "brilliant" means of population control and, knowing that the truth wouldn't sell their product, prescribers of the pill marketed it with lies, saying it was safter and less invasive means of abortion. Thinking they had found a wonder drug, women everywhere bought the lies wholesale. 
    Even if you can ignore the drug's checkered past and the reality that it is always taken with the goal of killing a child, you can't overlook the significant risk and trauma inflicted on the women who take it. Discovered to be four times more dangerous than its surgical alternative, the pill can irreparably damage a woman's ability to reproduce and at least 24 women have died from pill complications over the last twenty years. This number includes seventeen-year old Holly Patterson, who died on Sept. 17, 2003, from the septic shock that killed her right in front of her father.
    Once the pill is taken, women experience severe cramps and bleeding (which can last for hours), to the point where many have feared they were dying. Without any reprieve from their agony, women pass their dead and often recognizable babies and are forced to dispose of the remains themselves. Having never been told what complications could arise from the drug and perhaps afraid to admit that they have had an abortion, women are left to blame themselves for the guilt they feel, now fully understanding what they have done. With the image of their dead children fresh in their minds, women spiral into grief and regret that may plague them for years. Built on lies and sold to the unaware masses, the abortion pill was never about helping women; it has and will always be about profit and staying relevant, and it is quite clear that the abortion industry will do anything to get both of these.
    These pint-sized problem solvers are coming to a drugstore and post office near you. Barred from their typical means of inflicting death, this is the future that the abortion industry wants, and this will become the reality for thousands of woman if we do not stop it. Stand up now with your fellow Pro-Lifers and tell the abortion industry that its "advancements" end here. It does not get to put death on our shelves, and we will not let it lie to any more women. This is the next wave of our fight, it's big but we can face it head on. 

Photo Credit: Unplanned Movie 

Original Article

See Also: April 2023 Other News 


Abortion Pill Accounts: The Walls Are Talking pages 21-29 and 86-92

More Details on Abortion Pill Distribution: World Magazine Jan. 28 2023 Issue (pages 12-14) and April 8 2023 Issue (pages 12-14)