
Hello My Lovelies, 

And once again welcome to Heartbeat Press, a monthly Pro-Life news letter and your one stop shop for Pro-Life resources, stories, and information. 

In the summer of 2022 there was a leak from the Supreme Court that detailed the potential over turn of the Roe v. Wade decision that had enshrined abortion in the United States for nearly fifty years. That same month, Live Action News investigated the brutal deaths of five babies from the Washington D.C. area who may have been born alive (after failed abortions) but killed anyway by a process known as Transection (snipping the spinal cord at the base of the neck...literally a beheading). After reading about these two events, and with a growing spiritual prompting to fully commit to the Pro-Life movement, I asked God what I could do to further the cause...and Heartbeat Press was born.

Our goal here at Heartbeat Press is to plainly but boldly expose the brutality of abortion, tell the stories of survivors and those on the front lines, give people the data that may change their minds from death to life, and provide resources that may save children from abortion and their mothers from a lifetime of regret. 

Too many people are silent on the subject of abortion but we will not be. We are hear to open eyes, ears, and hearts, and to fight for the littles lives who can not protect themselves. We are here THAT THE WORLD MAY LEARN! 


Thank you all for joining us in this battle. Take a look around our sight, feel free to share our content and use the resources, and remember...one voice can make a big difference, use yours well.

Kindly Yours,
Editor R. 

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