The D.C. Five - The Catalyst to a Calling

Though the reality of abortion should be widely known by now and recognized for its horrors, no proper information about the industry has been forthcoming since abortion became popular in the 1970s. Every aspect of abortion, except falsified data, has been hidden just below the surface, with the understanding that the average adult will not dig to uncover it. Abortion and all its atrocities are kept in intact thanks to the willfully-ignorant masses who would prefer to keep a deadly practice in place rather than face the truth and find alternatives. It has been left up to the Pro-Life movement to expose everything. Often this comes in the from of investigative reporting, which, over the last fifty years, has done much to reveal every dark corner and slimy orifice of abortion. 
    On the afternoon of March 25, 2022, Pro-Life investigators in Washington D.C. made a horrific discovery in the refuse outside of the Washington Surgi-Clinic. Though this clinic had previously been investigated by Live Action News and was recognized for its cruel and unusual methods of abortion, the investigators were not ready for what they found. Crammed into a tiny white bucket and bobbing just above the surface of evaporating formaldehyde, the bodies of five pre-born babies greeted investigators in the stark white light of an afternoon sun that none of them had lived to see. 
    Each baby, later judged to be between 20 and 40 weeks old, was horribly twisted and wrinkled, the remains of their bodies mashed together like so much playdough. Little hands and feet that had been perfectly formed were now curled close to the bodies in protective fists. Pale skin that should have held a rosy glow was splotched with dried blood. And each head hung limply, barely connected to the rest of the body thanks to matching gashes at the base of each baby's neck. One body, later identified as a little girl, looked up at the investigators with an unseeing milky gray eye that had refused to close even after her life drifted away.
    Spiriting the bodies away, Pro-Lifers set to work determining an exact cause of death, though they already suspected the answer. Having been born alive after failed abortions, each baby had been subjected to a transection. Described by former abortion workers has a literal beheading, a transection is accomplished when an abortionist takes scissors and snips the baby's spinal cord at the base of the head, killing the child almost instantly. As a preferred method of post-birth abortion, this method is "quick" and "easy" and was a favorite of the notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell (the subject of this paper's October 2022 edition).
    Christopher, Harriet, Angel, Holly, and Pheonix (as they were later named) have yet to receive justice. Though the investigators who found them have tried to dig deeper into their deaths and have demanded reparations from the Washington Surgi-Clinic, the doctor who committed the murders is still working today, and any further investigations have been hampered or quashed completely. 
    This story holds extra significance for us here at Heartbeat Press. A little over a year ago, when I first learned of this story, the brutality and injustice of it was the final push I needed to commit to the work of the Pro-Life movement. While I had been contemplating how to bring action to my convictions, I was dragging my feet on several possibilities. But, after seeing the mangled bodies of the D.C. Five, and knowing that their deaths could have been prevented, something shook lose inside of me. I knew I couldn't stay silent any longer, and Heartbeat Press was born.
    Harriet in particular pulled at my heartstrings. This poor little girl could have lived a beautiful life. Her soul could have touched those around her and she could have made a difference had she not had the misfortune of being born "unwanted." But, in one swift and incredibly violent blow, everything she could have been was taken away forever, leaving nothing but a broken shell. Even so it struck me that, even in death, Harriet refused to give her murderer satisfaction. She died with her eye open, displaying her undeniable humanity and the injustice of her death. Almost laughing in the face of those who killed her, Harriet's gaze seemed to day, "My existence can't be ignored. I was here. My body, which you tried to hide, speaks volumes to the plight of the unborn and may save more children like me." Harriet did not die in vain. She existed and she still speaks to those who will listen. She and millions of others deserved to live and now...they deserve justice. 

Original Article 

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