The Blacklist

Welcome to The Blacklist, the place where celebrities go when they devalue human life and support abortion. 

In this day an age where information is readily available and the word of celebrities is basically law for their fans there is no excuse for ignoring the reality of life in the womb or flaunting the lie it isn't to the ignorant masses who would rather follow their idol than do any research of their own. And yet so many singers, actors, and influencers do just that, perpetuating the murder of children in favor of promoting the "quick" and "easy" fix that props up their lifestyle. 

As Pro-Lifers it is important to patronize those people and arts that are in line with our values rather than contributing to those that don't. If celebrities don't value human life than they do not deserve the attention that gives them their platform. 
Thank you for showing us where your priorities lie. Is fame more important than the lives of millions?

Welcome to The Blacklist


Pop Pop Rock singer Pink came out as Pro-Abortion in early 2022 after Roe v. Wade was reversed. 
Taking to Twitter to express her outrage at the ruling, she lashed out at Pro-Lifers, saying, "Never f***ing listen to my music again" while also lumping the Pro-Life/Death issue in with other unrelated (but feared by the far left) issues like the criminalization of gay marriage and racism. 
Sadly Pink's stand on the death of children is not uncommon in the entertainment industry, and she is not the first artist to vocalize it. But her stand is especially disappointing since she routinely features and praises her own child in her concerts. 

- From August 2023 Edition
World-renown gymnast and four-time gold medalist Simone Biles recently returned to the spotlight as
she made her bid for the 2024 Olympics and received the honor of having a fifth gymnastics skill named after her. 
Biles' story has been of particular interest to sports fans in recent years as the 26-year-old has routinely opened up about her humble beginnings in the foster care system. 
Unfortunately, Biles came out as Pro-Abortion last year, posting her support of the gruesome practice on Twitter and quickly sparking a heated debate. Arguing that it is better for a child to be aborted than to experience the foster system, the naive gymnast showcased a complete disregard for the implications of her statement.

While the foster system is not perfect, it offers children chances that abortion never does. Biles was given the opportunity to rise above her circumstances, so who is she to deny the same chance to others?

- From November 2023 Edition

While pop singer and former Disney child star Demi Lovato has supported abortion for some time, she made her stance abundantly and abrasively clear in 2023 with the release of her single, SWINE.

The song ("strategically" released on the one-year anniversary of Roe v. Wade's reversal) sees Lovato, backed by a mob of angry women, marching against a mock Supreme Court while shouting her desire to, "F*** whoever the f*** I want," and abort any children made in the process because it's "my blood, my loins, my lungs, my noise." Crass for the sake of crassness and showing a shocking lack of awareness for the personhood of those children, the song shamelessly displays the base and ultimately shallow desires Pro-Choicers have built their movement on. 

By choosing to cater to the uninformed whims of her fans, Lovato has picked her side in the Life v. Death debate. Sadly, that choice totally conflicts with her beginnings as a children's entertainer. 

- From April 2024 Edition 

On May 9, model and abortion advocate Hailey Bieber announced that she is expecting her first child with husband Justin Bieber. The announcement, which coincided with the couple's vow renewal, prominently featured Hailey's growing bump and, notably, used the word "baby" to describe the new life, rather than the more popular "fetus" used on Hailey's preferred side of the life v death issue. 

In the past, Hailey has been extremely vocal about supporting abortion, even sporting an "I'm for Planned Parenthood" t-shirt on Instagram after Roe v. Wade's reversal. But, Like every abortion-supporting celebrity, she sees a difference between her child and the thousands she has advocated death for. In her mind, as long as a baby is wanted, it is worthy of life. 
Hailey's stance also clashes with her husband's feelings on the issue. Justin has been quoted supporting the Pro-Life movement and he himself is an abortion survivor. One has to wonder if Hailey would have considered her husband worth of life. 

- From June 2024 Edition 

Singer/song writer Olivia Rodrigo has long been known as a promoter of lewd and destructive behavior that she readily encourages her fans to take part in.
    In the past, the 21-year-old, has proudly given out condoms and Plan-B pills during her concerts (sending the message that they should be used without delay), but her agenda went a step further at the beginning of her new tour, "Guts," that launched in February of this year.

Hopping on the Celebrity-Abortion Support-Bandwagon, Rodrigo announced that she had tied a "Fund 4 Good" campaign in with tour ticket sales, allowing part of every purchase to go to an organization of her choosing. Unsurprisingly, she gifted the funds to Planned Parenthood, admitting that she wholeheartedly supports their abortion efforts.

Sadly, even knowing this, many fans still purchased tickets, not understanding or not caring what abortion does to babies and the desperate women who seek the procedure. 

- From July 2024 Edition