The Beautiful and the Damned - Matthew 18:6

Who was your idol when you were a kid? An actor or singer? How about a teacher or older sibling who showed you how the world worked? Maybe it was even an animated character that you saw on tv. The point is, we all had our idols when we were young; they were people we looked up to, modeled ourselves after, and maybe even hoped to become some day. In our eyes, they were absolutely perfect and lives lives that exemplified the qualities we admired most. And, while not every childhood idol was completely without blemish, for the most part, the idols from our childhood stood behind messages that our parents agreed with and would allow us to hear.
    Sadly, if predictably, as time went on our world began to change and society continued to push the limits of what was appropriate to endorse and stand for. What was once unthinkable when we were kids was suddenly the norm, if not sought after, and celebrities and idols (as they have always done) jumped on the bandwagon of every new compulsion, no matter the implications, endorsing it to high heaven in the name of appealing to their fans. Never considering the consequences or doing their own research, celebrities have done this from the beginning of time and with every possible fad, endorsing some truly terrible things. Most recently (at least in terms of loud screaming about it), they have backed up abortion.
    As America debates whether or not it was right for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, what the pros and cons are, and what comes next for women's "health," celebrities in all their shimmering fame and coveted influence have taken up arms in defense of abortion, "bravely" proclaiming that women must have the right to choose and grieving the loss of "progress" that will now surely lead to a Handmaidesque future for women.
    I could name a whole laundry list of Pro-Abortion celebrities who have recently become very vocal on the issue, but a few notable ones include: Lizzo, who claimed that women need the "right to choose;" Taylor Swift, who took to Twitter with a stern warning about women losing their rights; and, perhaps most disturbing, not only because of her recent actions but also because of the tremendous sway she has over teenagers and young adults, Billie Elish.
    Eilish first found afme in 2015, reaching the top 100 in 2018, and topping the charts with her song "Bad Guy" the very next year. She has 106 million followers on Instagram, her target audience is teenage girls, and during a recent concert in Texas, Eilish took to the stage to deliver what she thought was a crushing argument for abortion.
    Shouting into her microphone and prancing around the stage, she made the profound statement, "Shut the f*** up about our bodies!" Claiming that she originally wanted to cancel her Texas concert to punish the state for its abortion ban, which had been put in place a few months earlier, she changed her mind because her remembered that her fans "were the victims" in this and that "they deserved everything in the world." She put out the call for her fans to "tell them to shut the f*** up." Then, holding aloft a mighty middle finger, she asked her fans to chant, "My body, my choice," over and over again. 
    What a deep and profound message - never mind that she has never done the research on what an actual abortion is. Billie Eilish has never seen a baby being ripped into pieces because of its mother's choice. She has not faced the remains of a baby falling out of its mother after a pill-induced home abortion. She has not met the women who are now incapable of having more children because they made a choice long ago, or the abortion survivors who live with the reality that they were spared but thousands of of others were not. No, to her this is all about the women who have lost the "freedom" to kill their children and the "inhumanity" of asking them to live morally. If her fans are the victims because they now have to consider the consequences of an amoral lifestyle, then what are the 62 million babies who never had the chance at life? Eilish's extreme immaturity is showing and she should not be considered the voice of a generation. 
    Consider this: Billie Eilish and every other Pro-Abortion celebrity are the people our children look up to. They are the idols of this generation; our children admire them and want to be like them, and yet their message is one of death and personal choice that has destroyed thousands of human lives. Do you want your children to grow up admiring these people and hearing that message? If that prospect doesn't outrage you, then you need to be prepared to lose your children to the abortion fad that is killing our future. 

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Sources: Youtube (Pro-Abortion) (Same Interview), Google

Original Article 

See Also: February 2023 Other News and Facts