The Abortion Pill - Abuse in a Bottle

Last month this newsletter examined the rise of the abortion pill and the truly terrifying implications it carries as an over-the-counter option for unplanned pregnancies. We covered the side effects of the drug and delved into its dark past as a product first produced by a Nazi-sympathizing company in the 1980s. We exposed the abortion industry's self-serving push to put these drugs in every pharmacy, despite the fact that they are extremely dangerous and often fail. And we shared the story of a young woman who is just one of the three dozen who have lost their lives to the abortion pill in the last twenty years. One would hope that what we covered last month was the extent of the red flags that come with the abortion pill and that it would be enough to dissuade anyone from using it but, sadly, they are not. There is one more, much darker, reality to the abortion pill that everyone is choosing to ignore.
    On average, 1.5 million women and girls in the US suffer abuse from a partner or acquaintance every year. Much of this abuse is sexual and it often results in pregnancy. When a woman becomes pregnant in an abusive relationship, the number-one priority of her abuser is to dispose of the "unwanted" child as soon as possible so the cycle of abuse can continue. In the past, this was easily accomplished by taking the expectant mother to the closest Planned Parenthood, where, for a paltry sum of blood money and the sacrifice of a few hours, the baby could be dismembered or scalded to death, the abuser's problem "solved," and any joy or strength the mother could have gained from her child destroyed. Every-focused on meeting its quota and earning more money, Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry made a habit of ignoring obvious cases of sexual abuse or forced abortion. Instead, it chose to cater to the abusers' priorities because they lined its pockets and raised its stats. There are even reports of abortion facilities ignoring cases of forced abortion where it was clear that the abuser was a pimp "servicing" underaged girls so they could get back to work as soon as possible. 
    Thankfully, with the overturn of Roe v. Wade, it has become much harder for abusers to sacrifice children to abortion in the usual way. But now, if certain laws and amendments prevail, abortion facilities will no longer be necessary because abusers will be able to purchase death at their corner drugstore. Forced or coerced abortion rates will rise as abusers simply have to walk over to a pharmacy, purchase the drug, and get the mother to take it. Any checks and balances that may have protected women will be nullified in the "comfort" of the abuser's own home, bloody scenes of bathroom abortions (as we discussed in last month's edition) will become the norm, and many more women will die, either from pill complications or continued abuse after their tormentor gets his way. 
    With the way the abortion pill battle is going, it is not a matter of when this type of abuse will become a reality; it has already arrived. There are numerous accounts, from all over the world, of violent men using the abortion pill to protect their own interests, regardless of what the exploited mother wants. In many of these cases, the man purchases Misoprostol on its own and secretly dissolves it in a woman's drink or food and waits for it to look like a miscarriage. Other accounts detail how abusers have force-fed women the pill or threatened them with bodily harm if they didn't take it. Some men use the abortion pill to cover up extramarital affairs they have been having, completely disregarding the women they claim to love in order to protect their double life. And many women have suffered irreversible physical trauma because what they thought was a miscarriage was actually a drug-induced abortion with symptoms they were unaware of. 
    Even if you can argue that women "need" access to the abortion pill as part of their "right to choose," you can't defend the use of this drug by abusive men solely to dispose of "inconvenient" children and to keep the mothers in their control. Having easy access to abortion pills puts us one step closer to a dark future that has already disregarded children and will soon disregard women if we allow it to. Abortion of any kind is profoundly anti-woman because it sells her the lie that a unique gift of her gender is nothing but a hindrance and that unplanned children (that she has the special ability to nurture) are nothing but a nuisance to be disposed of. But forced abortions by abusive men are an absolute evil that can never be defended...and yet many do (even unconsciously) because abortion is a "human right." What about the rights of battered women and the babies who could have saved them from their situations but never got the chance? 

Original Article

See Also: May 2023 Edition Other News and Book Review

