The 4th of July

July 4th

We hold these truths of be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. 

- The Declaration of Independence - Thomas Jefferson (1776) -

These are the words that made us a free country in 1776 and the words that this nation has tried to protect and live by in the 200 some years that it has been established. So where are these rights for our youngest and most innocent citizens? If America continues to discount a great portion of its people simply because they are unborn and "unwanted" then the American dream will cease to exist and there won't be a nation to celebrate anymore. 

What You Can Do

 - National -
Write to your congressman asking them to support the Pro-Life cause

- Personal -
Pray for an end to abortion, restoring the nobility of America

Host a weekend BBQ for your friends and family - invite a single parent or have Pro-Life material available for your guests 

Tell your children the story of how America won its freedom and make sure they know that that freedom (to life, liberty, and happiness) extends to all this countrie's citizens, even the unborn ones

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