
Nov. 28th

Since its first occurrence in 1621 and its enshrinement as a national holiday in 1863 Thanksgiving has historically been about taking one day out of the year (in the fall after the year's 'harvest' has been gathered) to celebrate the blessings you have received. Typically celebrated over pounds of turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, stuffing and other American dinner staples, and in the presence of your nearest and dearest, this holiday really is about appreciating everything and everyone that you have.

But have you ever considered giving on Thanksgiving? 

One of the great joys of being richly blessed is sharing those blessings with others and in a time where the Pro-Abortion cabal is asking where the Pro-Life crowd is after birth it is vital that we step up to the plate. Not only are we champions of life at all stages but we are also ready and willing to continue the support that saved a baby's life and can now aid that same baby and its family for as long as they need.

This year do your part to not only celebrate what the Lord has given you and but also to pass it along gladly to those who come next. The Pro-Life cause does not end with birth and as long as one person is willing to continue it, wholehearted support can last a lifetime. 

What You Can Do

- National -
Write notes and letters to Pro-Life organizations like 40 Days for Life, Live Action, and Let Them Live thanking them for their tireless work to save the unborn.

- Personal -
Invite a single or expecting mother to join you for Thanksgiving dinner. 

Volunteer to serve a meal at your local homeless shelter or women's home.

Include Pro-Life issues in your Thanksgiving meal prayer

Have Pro-Life material and answers ready for your family and friends who may have questions. 
(we all know that politics/hot button issues will inevitably come up so, be ready to engage)

Donate a Thanksgiving dinner to a single parent/expecting mother.

Read stories of abortion survivors to your children to show them what true thankfulness (for life) looks like.

Photo Credit: Stock,