Seven Weeks Coffee - Answering the Call One Cup At A Time

I am not one to endorse specific products over others and that is not what this is. Rather, I want to highlight a Pro-Life business that, given that it is December and close to Christmas, might aid you in your gift shopping this month.

In our modern abortion obsessed culture, it seems every time you turn around another business is falling all over itself to spout its convictions of support for "a women's right to choose" and working fundraising for abortion into every inch of its business model. While freedom of speech is a wonderful benefit of living in this country and I do not deny companies their right to it, consumers also have a right to pick and choose who they will give their business to. And many Pro-Lifers, myself included, would prefer not to give our business to the companies that are blatantly Pro-Death. But what do we turn to instead? Three years ago, Anton Krecic had the exact same question and, what's more, he had an idea that could answer it. 
    At the age of 22, Anton was a newly minted D.C resident with the goal of entering the world of business and politics. He had always been interested in both and was excited to see how each worked. On the outside, both enterprises looked incredibly shiny and appealing, touting the will to make big changes in the world and giving anyone an opportunity to contribute...but within a few weeks the luster wore off. Upon closer inspection, the underside of American politics and business became very grimy and underhanded and Anton, who had been raised in a Christian home and had always considered himself Pro-Life, noticed and was particularly appalled by both entities' horrendous stance on abortion.
    In the name of appeasing everyone, pandering to human selfishness, and raising their profits in the name of activism, every business Anton encountered was practically shouting its stance from the roof tops. "We support women!" (we want to enable them to kill their babies). "Our business is dedicated to supporting groups that provide women's health care." (we support and financially aid Planned Parenthood). "Every dollar you spend here will help a woman get the healthcare she deserves." (your money is funding abortions).
    In contrast, Anton couldn't find one Pro-Life business, let alone one that was vocal about its convictions. It occurred to him that there were millions of Pro-Life Americans, so why weren't they demanding that their money not go towards abortion? What if they wanted to support Pro-Life business but didn't know where they were? Were there other options out there? After and inspirating visit to a pregnancy resource center (where he was impressed by its resourcefulness but also by its great need), Anton answered the call himself and founded his company, Seven Weeks Coffee, in 2021. 
    Seven Weeks Coffee is an entirely online company that focuses on selling curated Ethiopian coffee in several different blends, ranging from light to espresso. It has delivered to almost every state, has filled over 10,000 orders, and, while Anton is the only full-time employee, the company is staffed by a small but highly dedicated team of Pro-Life volunteers. 
    Drawing on the inspiration he felt while visiting the pregnancy resource center, Anton made supporting PRCs an integral part of his company's business model, with a full 10% of every sale going towards the facilities that actually give women the support, resources, and care they need instead of "convenient" and "empowering" murder. Seven Weeks Coffee is now supporting several pregnancy resource centers regularly. 
    Seven Weeks Coffee takes great pride in serving a great cup of coffee that stands behind a great cause and, while it has not been completely immune to backlash and Pro-Death harassment, for the most part it has experienced great success and an outpouring of support.
    Anton was right. There are millions of Pro-Life Americans who want to give their money to causes that protect children. They just didn't know what (if anything) was out there. But it only took one idea to create a resource and, ultimately, a life-saving Pro-Life business.

    Seven Weeks Coffee just celebrated its one year anniversary and has plans to be around for a long time to come. When asked about his goal in business and for the future, Anton said, "To promote Godly values, provide excellent coffee, and to protect every beating heart."

Sources: Facts Coutesy of Anton Krecic

Original Article

See Also: December 2022 Edition Other News