Sanctity of Human Life Day

Jan. 22nd

Sanctity of Human Life Day is perhaps the most important holiday for the Pro-Life movement. 

First created in 1984, eleven years after Roe v. Wade was first put in place, President Ronald Reagan designated the 22nd of January as a day to focus on and pray for the preservation of life in America. It has historically been commemorated with prayer vigils and special church services. There is always a national Pro-Life march in Washington D.C and Pro-Lifers everywhere take this day to remember why they are part of the movement. 
By the grace of God Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022 so Sanctity of Human Life Day can now be celebrated with joy for the end of the court ruling that allowed nearly 50 years of genocide. But the over turn of Roe is only one part of the mission and our fight is far from over; in fact it's just beginning. 

This year, let us redouble our efforts to fight for and preserve life in all its forms. Recommit to the Pro-Life movement this Sanctity of Human Life. We are a mighty force with a loud voice and a righteous cause, let us not shy away from the fight in front of us.

- What You Can Do -


 - National -

Theme - "With Every Woman, For Every Child."

Or attend virtually

Pray for all the Pro-Lifers attending these events. That their message would be bold, their presence powerful, and their love overwhelming.

 - Personal -
Pray for a total end to abortion in all its forms.

Share your Pro-Life beliefs with your friends and family and have answers and Pro-Life literature ready for any questions they might have.

Celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Day with your family (at a march, a church service, or a family gathering) and make sure your children learn why life is precious and should be protected

Walk/Pray outside of your local Planned Parenthood

Volunteer for the day at your local Pregnancy Resource Center

Commit to growing your personal knowledge for the Pro-Life movement (read Pro-Life books, research Pro-Life resources local to you, learn how to knit or crochet so you can donate your creations to a PRC)

Photo Credit: ERLC and Diocese of Manchester