Kid's Corner

Children should never be exposed to the brutality that is abortion (Lord willing it will become an act no one has to confront). But, children our our future and will hopefully be the generation that destroys abortion completely and forever. As such they deserve an ingrained respect for life and all the beauty that comes with it (in all its forms) from the earliest opportunity. 

While the world loves to deny it, parents are their children's first and most influential role models and as such they carry the great burden of starting their children on the path of righteousness. Parents, the Lord has powerful plans for your children and he has gifted you with a hand in those plans, so please, understand the importance of guiding your children in the ministries that Lord loves, as he does the Pro-Life Movement. There will never be another movement quite like ours and, if made dear to them, it will be a movement your children continue and perhaps finish one day. 

So train up your children with the respect for life that is so sorely lacking in today's world. Simple extension of your own Pro-Life beliefs and acts of devotion (family prayer for an end to abortion, buying your children Pro-Life books/toys, reminding children that they are purposely created by a loving God) go a long way in building a strong foundation for the individual Pro-Life beliefs that your children will cling to one day. But that foundation must be built diligently and that act falls to you. It doesn't need to start huge but it has to start somewhere. 


Before Your Birthday        Pro-Life Kids         Be Great         My Birthday, Jesus' Birthday

(movies listed in order of maturity level)

Storks         The Odd Life of Timothy Green         Finding Nemo         


Take your children to Pro-Life Events (marches, prayer walks, Pro-Life services)

Make Family Crafts (knitted/crocheted hats, baby blankets, baked goods) for Pregnancy Resources Centers and Single Mother Housing