Father's Day

June 16th

In our modern society where abortion is defended and women are told that having children will only hold them back, fathers are often over looked or purposely shunned.

They are told that they have no right to "control women's bodies" or voice their opinions on abortion because they are not the ones "inconvenienced by an unplanned pregnancy." In compliance to the modern "non-toxic man" that society says they must be the majority men and father have faded away from the Pro-Life vs Pro-Abortion argument and have willfully ignored the legalized deaths of their children (and the impact this death has on them) for years. As a result weak willed men have become the norm, abusive men have been given an easy way to exploit women, millions of children have died, and the Pro-Life movement has been deprived of a strength that it desperately needs.

Abortion's Impact on Men

Men...it is time to rise up in defense of life. Contrary to what the modern world says you have every right to speak up in defense of your children and we need you to champion life now! Though you do not carry the child you are an important part of its life and your strength may be the difference between life or death for the child and joy or sorrow for its mother. Men, you have a unique opportunity to effect chance, but you must decide now. Will you continue to stand idly by or will you save your children?

What You Can Do
While everyone can step up and try the ideas listed below it is more impactful (in this scenario) when men lead other men to bravery and Pro-Life action. 

Men reading this, these ideas are for you. Take up the challenge of standing arm in arm with other Pro-Life men or those who need the support to choose life. Refuse to stay in the shadows where the Pro-Death cabal says you belong. You have just as much right to defend life as women and your strength on the issue could be the catalyst that draws many more to the movement. Do not be afraid to speak out for life.

- National -
March outside of your local Planned Parenthood

Call your local politicians and ask them to support Pro-Life bills and laws.

- Personal -
Pray for an end to abortion

Start a Pro-Life men's group at your church that is dedicated to praying for and working towards an end to abortion.

Host a BBQ and invite an expecting father

Offer to help out a new dad who might need to some guidance on how to be a father

Volunteer at your church's youth group and provide a positive example of what a Godly man/husband/father looks like.

Photo Credit: The Indian Express