Embrace Grace Helps Abortion Minded Mom Choose Life

"I'm just emerging from such a dark season of life. At the end of 2017, my husband, Todd fell into a deep depression, and his addiction gained full control of his soul. We made poor choices together, and I tried methamphetamine with him. We lost our home, vehicles, and belongings. Our marriage wasn't even hanging on by a single thread. Todd's addiction took over, and he became very abusive. At the end of February 2018, I sought refuge with some friends that he introduced me to, and I left my home, my whole life, everything he and I worked hard to accomplish together. I asked my in-laws to care for our children because I needed to figure out how to fend for myself. In March of 2018, Todd put his hands around my neck, and the neighbors witnessed what happened. In April of 2018, while visiting with our two beautiful children under the supervision of my sister-in-law, we found out Todd had died of an overdoes. We don't know who he was with or who dropped his lifeless body off at the emergency room, but the addiction won. I became hyper-focused, seeking a place to make a new home for the kids and me. I got an apartment in June of 2018, and then faced a rough custody battle with my in-laws over my children. I was so angry and scared. I remember lying on the floor of that three-bedroom apartment I worked so hard to get and just wanting to peacefully leave this earth. A few days later, I finally got up and went to to Wal-Mart. I had a feeling I needed to take a pregnancy test. After I peed on the stick, it immediately showed up pregnant. I was in shock. I felt like it had to be wrong. It just couldn't be. So I took seven more tests. They were all positive. I felt so much shame. I was embarrassed by my actions. How could I have been so careless? This pregnancy was not from my husband, who had died two months prior. I contacted the father, and we both decided termination was the most logical thing to do. I made an appointment with a pregnancy center to learn about my options. I went alone and spoke with a sweet advocate who presented me an array of information on abortion, adoption, and parenting. She was so encouraging and made me feel so much better. She handed me a pretty white box with a big pink tulle bow that said, "Love in a Box." I left my appointment, went to my car, and opened that box in the parking log. Inside was an invitation to join a group called Embrace Grace - a support group of young women experiencing unintended pregnancies. There was a handwritten note of encouragement and a tiny baby onesie that said, "Best Gift Ever." That's the moment when life chose me. Ellie was born in March, 2019, and my other two children finally came home just a few months later. All my babies were together. Through it all, I have renewed my relationship with God, and He's using my story to help bring all of His children home. Just as hard as I worked to prove I was fit to be a mother for all of my children, God was showing me that I'm His daughter. And my Ellie is a blessing from God! She's the baby we didn't know we needed! I will never forget the love and support I received at the pregnancy center and through Embrace Grace. I go to my new church twice per week, once to be filled up on Sunday morning and once to lead Embrace Grace. I get to pour into women who are hurting and scared just like women poured into me when I needed it most. My life has changed forever."

Original Story Courtesy of Help Her Be Brave by Amy Ford (paged 44-47) 

Photo Credit: AmyFord.com