
Dec. 24th - 25th

Christmas is, perhaps, the most important Pro-Life holiday we can celebrate.

The entire season is built on the innately Pro-Life belief that generosity, love, and the joy of helping others should be everyone's second nature. But, more than the spirit of the season, this holiday specifically celebrates the one unplanned pregnancy that definitively proved that no child is a mistake and every life has an amazing purpose no matter the circumstances of its conception.

As odd as it is to consider, the birth of Jesus Christ was unplanned (at least by man) and yet it was one of the most important historical events to ever occur (second only to the death and resurrection of Christ at Easter). Knowing this, it should be the goal of every Pro-Lifer (during the holiday season and after) to exemplify those qualities that speak to our love of life and gratitude that Christ gave us all a chance at new life in Him. 

We know the reason for the season so let's live it out unashamedly, loving others with the love of Christ, and powerfully declaring that God always has a plan and we can be part of it.

What You Can Do

- National -
Pray for an end to abortion in the US.

Fill an Operation Christmas Child gift box.

Write Christmas cards/bake cookies for Pregnancy Resource Centers to show your appreciation for their work.

Share the Christmas Story and explain its Pro-Life significance on social media.

Read/Share the December 2024 Edition

- Personal -


Invite a single parent or expecting mother to the Christmas Eve service at your church.

Offer to babysit for a single parent so they can go gift shopping for their children.

Buy a "Secret Santa" gift for a single mother.

Volunteer extra hours at your local Pregnancy Resource Center.

Go caroling at your local women's shelter.

Offer to shovel for single mothers, new parents, and Pregnancy Resource Centers.

Donate clothes/toys/essentials to your local Pregnancy Resource Center (especially warm winter clothes like coats, hats, gloves, and boots).

Tell the Christmas Story to your kids and explain why it's important (spiritually and for Pro-Life).

Buy/Read Pro-Life Books During the Holiday Season

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