"I need to have purpose in just about everything I do," wrote Jamie Lynn Spears in her 2022 autobiography, Things I Should Have Said, that, among other things, detailed the actress's early career, family climate, and the birth, life, and near death of her daughter Maddie, in February 2017. An accident at a family home, cooly described by the media but emotionally explained by Spears in her book, saw young Maddie pinned under a crashed ATV and submerged in a backyard pond long enough to require intensive hospitalization and ventilation assisted breathing for over 24 hours. Thankfully, because of dedicated doctors and buckets of prayer from friends and family, the eight-year-old miraculously recovered - suffering no ill effects to this day. A survival that Jamie Lynn credits to the Lord's hand on her daughter's life before, during, and after the ordeal. However, this was not the first time the Lord had protected Maddie. In fact, her life started with an act of protection.
Unexpectedly pregnant at sixteen and unsure of how parenting a child would affect her relationship, career, and celebrity standing, Jamie Lynn recounted that, once the news of her condition broke, everyone around her was less than thrilled that a baby was on the way. Foregoing encouragement, tabloid magazines (that live on celebrity "mistakes") declared that the young star had "ruined her career" and had behaved life white trash. Fans agonized over the story and friends and family jovially suggested that an abortion was in Jamie Lynn's best interest. In retrospect, abortion would have been the "smart" option had Spears wanted to maintain her glitzy flashbulb-illuminated life. Going through with the procedure would have been extremely "easy" given its promotion by everyone in her inner circle. And Jamie Lynn's own sister, Britney Spears, had gone through the same problem with her own unplanned pregnancy in 2000, eventually going through with a chemical abortion, thought later writings by Britney revealed that it was a coerced decision.
But, young as she was, Jamie Lynn still saw the inherent value of the child slowly growing inside of her and, more importantly, recognized it as a human being, a beautiful daughter, who was not a curse but rather a great blessing despite the surprise of her existence. Battling the "Abortion is the Best Option" crowd and the relentless media, Jamie Lynn kept her daughter, never regretting her decision once. In fact, raising Maddie has enriched Jamie Lynn's life a hundred times over. The choice wasn't easy, with the constant media bombardment and her realization that she had to grow up very fast in order to be a proper provider for Maddie. But, by all accounts and with years of hindsight, raising an unexpected daughter gave Jamie Lynn a greater life's purpose than a decades-long career would have given her. And the unwavering love that forever links mother and daughter has healed many scars both of them had and would receive.
When contrasted with the reality older sister Britney Spears had endured, the miracle of Jamie Lynn and Maddie's lives becomes even more profound. Many things have played a role in the downward spiral that has been Britney's life. The world-famous star was exposed to the damages of fame at a very young age, existed in multiple abusive relationships (with boyfriends, husbands, and her own father), and has suffered from untreated and aggravated mental health problems for the majority of her adult life. The abortion she submitted herself to at the age of nineteen is not the only instigator of her tattered existence. But, it was coerced, kept secret for years, and horribly bloody (mirroring the experiences of hundreds of women who endured chemical abortions alone in their bathrooms with the full knowledge that they had ended their baby's lives). Detailed in Heartbeat Press's February 2023 edition, Britney's abortion may not have been the end or even the beginning of her problems, but it was certainly a huge contributor to them, especially since the star endured it uncomforted and has never (to the knowledge of this newspaper) delt with the emotional fallout of an act that eats everyone who goes through with it from the inside out.
At its core, the story of Britney and Jamie Lynn is a comparison between the two ways an unexpected pregnancy can play out and the way each impacts a woman for years to come. Jamie Lynn resisted an abortion even though it was difficult, which necessitated the postponement of her career plans. But, ultimately, she has experienced a fuller life and has a beautiful daughter to go through every up and down with. In contrast, Britney was forced into an abortion and has endured the physical, emotional, and lonely scars of the procedure her entire life without much comfort from her "flourishing" career and fame. Case and point? Children do not ruin the lives of their mothers. They are often the greatest blessing ever given, the destruction of which is more damaging than anyone wants to admit.
Sources: People.com, Goodreads.com, Rolling Stone.com, Live Action News.com, Things I Should Have Said by Jamie Lynn Spears, The Woman in Me by Britney Spears
Photo Credit: Pinterest
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