Black History Month

Feb. 1st - Mar. 1st
Margaret Sanger, an abortion advocate and founder of Planned Parenthood, once said of the public (in regards to her organization) 
"We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population."

 Pushed to the background in recent years, erased from the history of abortion and even abandoned by her own organization Sanger is no longer the face of the practice she once pioneered but there is no hiding the fact that the founder of the biggest abortion provider in the country was a racist eugenicist with a mission of extermination that Planned Parenthood (and every abortion provider) still secretly upholds. 

* According to the US Census Bureau and the CDC (2018) 33.6% of abortions are preformed on Black women. *

* The majority of Planned Parenthood facilities can be found in poor and Black neighborhoods where their populations are the most sought out for advertising campaigns and propaganda. *

* Per every 1,000 Black births there are 335 abortions. *

* Every day 360 Black lives are ended by Planned Parenthood * 

Sanger's goal is alive and thriving today fully supported (if unrealized) by the vast majority of the public because it is packaged as a "wonderful, impowering, advancement" in women's health that must be defended at all costs. And yet, Sanger herself realized that if the truth of her eugenics was ever discovered abortion would become repugnant to those who support it.

So, if we are celebrating Black culture this month why are we supporting a practice that wants to destroy that same culture? Why are we destroying it under the guise of "necessary medical advancement?" Why are we sustaining the lie that the Black population (or any population) needs abortion in order to thrive? 

There is nothing impowering about abortion. It kills children, destroys women, and is now being used as justification for the slow extermination of an entire culture. A culture that has added wonderful richness to our own and has given us a way to see past our own four walls. We can not let abortion and the destruction of a culture stand but we also have to be brave enough to stop it together. Every people group must have vested interest in ending abortion or we will never save anyone. This isn't a racial's a human issue. 

What You Can Do

- National -

Attend the National March for Life

Attend a Black History Month Event and pass out Pro-Life material

- Personal -

Pray and hand out Pro-Life material at your local abortion clinic

Watch Gosnell

Watch Targeted for Abortion and Abortion Killed His Sister

Watch Forgotten History: Margaret Sanger

Check Out Shame Free Gigi

Share this page to educate people on the history of abortion

- Special -

Black Leaders in the Pro-Life movement


Joy Villa (speaks out for life)        Christian Bennett (was saved from abortion)        Gigi Davis (found healing from five abortions)

Dr. Noreen Johnson and Dr. Haywood Robinson: The Bonnie and Clyde of Abortion (had a dramatic transformation)

Photo Credit: All